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Move intelligently into space

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Evi Bouzaki

Yoga Session
For all


Meet Evi


Why Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient Indian discipline that offers numerous physical, mental and emotional benefits.  


This is achieved by the practice of physical postures, breathing exercises as well as different meditation and relaxation techniques.


After every class there is a sense of more lightness, vitality and wellbeing. 

Body and Kinisis

The human body is naturally dynamic; when the movement becomes conscious, the body, organs and mind love it and they function properly; this just happens naturally!


Hence, I have chosen Yoga Kinisis as a name to define my intentions (kinisis=movement in Greek).

In this way, Yoga Kinisis embraces flow - the conscious dynamism within and between poses. 

'I teach and design Hatha Vinyasa Yoga classes for individuals according to their current needs and lifestyle. Authentic Yoga teachings from authentic yoga traditions. Yoga is a transformational tool for the human system and the authenticity lies that we progress spiritually ~ Satya'

sri T.Krishnamacharya




Available On-site and Online!


Group classes and Individual Yoga tuition are scheduled throughout the year.


My intention is to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for people who want to   
discover Yoga, to progress safely and to enjoy their personal time. 


Available On-site and Online! 

Group and Individual Breathing and Meditation classes are scheduled throughout the year. 

From the unconscious breath - we just breathe with no effort  -> To the conscious breath - we give particular attention to the way we breathe, there is a long distance road of understanding.


On-site Oil Massages can be arranged at the comfort of your space. 

'A step to wellness is pampering yourself..'



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